Friday, February 29, 2008

March 3rd, '08 -- Nigel on Fire

Soulful perfection served raw and blazing.

Small man with shaved head and mohawk, baggy silk jacket and hanging braided belt, homeless chic: swearing on stage and kicking footballs into the audience, he raises his violin.

The stage, the seats, the crowd, the building are gone in an instant. The sky screams open and the clouds sing; howling, wailing, keening in joyous perfect harmony and glory the music crashes through you, the strings and horns pound crystal notes into you in waves so wide and deep your body expands to accomodate them--your spine vibrates, your toes hum and it's pushing against the back of your eyes. Paralyzed and gaping and near tears you surrender to pure exultation and joyous celebration.

Nigel Kennedy and the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra play Beethoven and Motzart.