Monday, October 08, 2007

October 8, 2007 -- Two Cents' Worth

...meanwhile money is balm, a universal salve to quiet your immediate pain. A new shirt cures loneliness. A nice breakfast in a cafe alleviates lack of meaning. Visions of matching furniture lull you to sleep. This is the guage by which you measure your self-worth. These are your rewards for navigating the world on your own; the only milestones you're offered in your endless game of snakes and ladders.

At what point do you abandon your search for meaning and impose your own? There is no universal truth, no answers to anything, no underlying reason: there is only what you decide or allow others to decide for you.

Monday, October 01, 2007

October 2, 2007 -- Ideal Value

"...all ideas seem equally good to me; the fact of their existence proves that someone is creating. Does it matter whether they are objectively right or wrong? They could never remain so for long."

Lawrence Durrell: JUSTINE